
Water-Cut Analyzers New Product – Razor
Razor without mating flange

Phase Dynamics is pleased to offer a new class of water in oil analyzers which continues the tradition of repeatable and precise measurements. This analyzer is named “Razor” because it is a “Cut Above” the competition at an affordable price. It is designed to replace other competitive technologies that only gave indications of the water content.

The unique design allows the use of high frequencies to obtain the reproducibility and extended water range up to the onset of the water phase. The system is fluid temperature compensated.

This is a fully factory calibrated analyzer with true data curves representative of the actual water percentage. Density correction is built in with inputs via 4-20mA or MODBUS 485. Phase Dynamics Patented Density Hold at 5% water is an industry changing invention.

The Phase Dynamics technology will view the viscous high-water content emulsion layer as a true water percentage. This allows precise control of the water draw and heavy oil measurement as compared to the typical low frequency systems showing this layer as 100% water.

RANGED TO:0-20%20% to Inversion
UNCERTAINTY*0.05% (0-5%)
0.1% (5-10%)
0.2% (10-20%)
Oil Phase Only
REPEATABILITY+/- 0.05%+/- 0.5%
FLUID TEMPERATURE32 – 220ºF32 – 220ºF
Yes (MODBUS or 4-20mA
Density Input) Exclusive
hold density over 5%
Yes (MODBUS or 4-20mA
Density Input) Exclusive
hold density over 5%
SALINITYNot Required 0-InversionNot Required 0-Inversion


Request for Price Quotation

Price quotations are based on the model number.  Please define the model number using the Model Number Coding guide or fill-in the Application Submission Sheet.  Email either or both to [email protected] 

– Defines an exact product configuration for quotation. 
– Please fill-in this form and email to us.