The High Range Analyzers are in effect a derivative of the Full Range family. They are optimized for high water applications in the 80-100% range.
For this family, the Measurement Section utilizes a range optimized water oscillator to deliver industry leading performance. This measurement range is the water phase emulsion, and although the display indicates percent Water Cut relative to oil, the measurement can also be viewed as the inverse, an oil-in-water measurement. The factory calibration process is just that. It begins with 100% water at known salinity, and then oil is slowly injected forming the oil-in-water emulsion. External processing of the Water Cut reading, for example 100% - Water Cut %, provides the oil-in-water percentage.
The High Range Analyzer is offered in three salinity ranges:
- 0.1% to 8%
- 8% to 25%
- 0.1% to 25%
Each High Range Analyzer undergoes a lengthy factory calibration routine to fully characterize the Measurement Section for water phase across a full spectrum of salinity conditions.
It is worth noting the real-time nature of the measurement application. Water-Cut Analyzers are operating in real-time as process fluids are passing through the Measurement Section. Our sensor technology is very responsive to the time varying properties of the process fluids. Full factory calibration produces an excellent Measurement System.
The High Range Analyzer can be field configured in either an automatic self-learning mode or in a fixed mode depending on the nature of the fluids passing through. Phase Dynamics offers Heuristic Salinity©. This is an automatic self-learning feature that dynamically adjust itself for time varying salinity conditions in applications where high water is common and where water-cut reaches 100% from time to time. For applications where salinity is relatively fixed, a static configuration parameter can be used.
Phase Dynamics achieves low uncertainty with repeatable performance in this category. Contact us to learn more.
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