The Cyprid Larvae:  This is the second stage of the larvae which is looking for a place to “settle” permanently.  At this stage it only has a few days to find the point of settlement or die.  Also, at this stage of growth a second and third photosensitive “eye” is grown to assist in finding a colony of mature barnacles.  These larvae are the only ones with photo-receptors. The mature colonies emit a red wavelength that attracts them. The barnacles are the only member of the shell families that cannot move once they are “settled” and they do not have a shell formed beforehand. The UV-A wavelength is used to make the larvae temporarily blind and not want to “settle” in the hoses and air-conditioning system.  The strainer basket cannot catch them since they are still a larva of approximate size 0.020” or smaller before they settle.

This system is designed based on scientific data published in biological articles over the past 50 years.  The UV-A light is less than 10 watts but effectively “stuns” the larvae instead of killing it.  UV-A is not harmful to humans unlike the UV-B & C wavelengths and it does not kill bacteria.  This system produces no harmful chlorine or hydrogen gas like other systems and is environmentally friendly.  Multiple units can be simply placed at the through hull fittings to eliminate barnacles throughout the system including the long inlet lines on larger yachts.  Other units can be placed at the strainer by replacing the plastic basket cap.  This system can be installed without professional assistance.

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