Low Range Analyzers

Water-Cut Analyzers Low Range

The Low Range category are optimized for low water-in-oil phase measurements.  These Analyzers offer the best measurement uncertainty in the family.  Three measurement ranges are offered from 0-4%, 0-10%, and 0-20%. 

Typical applications include pipelines, tank and ship unload, and fiscal transfer. 

The Measurement Section utilizes an application specific single oil oscillator design whose measurement sensitivity is optimized for the range of measurement.  Each Analyzer is factory calibrated to maximize performance.


Request for Price Quotation

Price quotations are based on the model number.  Please define the model number using the Model Number Coding guide or fill-in the Application Submission Sheet.  Email either or both to [email protected] 

– Defines an exact product configuration for quotation. 
– Please fill-in this form and email to us.